Jesse Amado: Renascence

Essay by Dana Friis-Hansen
Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston , 1996

Publisher: Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston .

Dimensions: 8 x 5.5"

Pages: 12

This publication was issued to accompany the exhibition Jesse Amado: Renascence, organized by Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston. "The shape, scope, and title of Jesse Amado's exhibition pivot on the fact that his is the final exhibitions before the Perspective gallery's refurbishment, a transformation in which the walls will come down, the carpet will be removed, and natural light will be brought into the space. The artist has put forth a life-affirming body of work under the title "Renascence", signifying a rebirth, a rising to vigor, which finds signs of renewal in hidden structures, physical fragility, and even echos of death. It is through a sensitive selection of materials, their deft manipulations, and charged imagery related to the body that he is able to address these themes so powerfully, so poetically". - An excerpt from Dana Friis-Hansen's essay Traces and Transformation